
In addition to in-person and mail-in donations, you can support New Life through secure online giving using the link below. Your gift (credit card or bank debit) will be made to the PCA Foundation designated for the 10220_New Life PCA_York PA fund. The PCA Foundation forwards donated funds to New Life on a weekly basis. Thank you!

The donation portal used by the PCA Foundation (BlackBaud) will provide the donor the option of supporting processing charges, called “Complete Cover”. The donor can select to cover anywhere from 5% (default) to 0% of the donated amount as an additional processing fee. For example, if a donor intends to donate $100 and selects a 5% cover, then the donor will be charged $105, and $100 will be given to New Life. If the donor selects a 0% cover, then the donor will be charged $100 and $100 will be given to New Life.

Giant Gift Card Fundraiser: New Life is instituting an ongoing fundraising opportunity. The Giant grocery store chain has a program that sells gift cards to not-for-profits at a 5% discount. Anyone can then purchase those gift cards for their face value and then use them whenever they shop at Giant. If you shop at Giant and are willing to purchase a gift card at its face value, New Life nets 5%. Gift cards are currently in $50 and $100 denominations. To purchase gift cards, please contact the office. All proceeds will go to New Life’s Short Term Mission Fund.