
Introducting the “Wiggle Room!”  New Life is now live streaming the weekly worship service in classroom 1. The purpose of this is to create a “wiggle room,” a place where any parent can choose to be with their young children as needed during the service.

Palm Sunday Children’s Choir: Rehearsal will begin about 15 minutes after the end of worship each Sunday between now and Palm Sunday. Happy singing!

Hymn Sing: On Sun. March 30 all are invited to gather in the sanctuary at 6pm for an hour of selecting and singing hymns. Please consider bringing a snack to share for afterwards.

Refuge Ministries is focused on providing a space for women who are in/or have been in difficult or abusive relationships to come together for support with a focus on healing. Our time together is focused both on Scripture and our identity as daughters of God and also the practical steps that are necessary to create physical and emotional safety to move towards healing. Refuge Ministries is currently looking for qualified women to serve as mentors. In the foyer, you will find flyers with information about an upcoming training in April and May. Anyone considering becoming a mentor is asked to participate in this training on domestic violence even if they have mentored or participated in the training before. Please register by Sat. Apr. 5. Please contact the Providence office ( with any interest or curiosity!

Easter at New Life:
Easter Egg Hunt: Come as early as 10am on Sat. Apr. 12. Egg hunts will begin at 10:30am. Community members welcome! Invite neighbors, friends and family!
Palm Sunday Processional: We will begin at 9:55am on Sun. Apr. 13.
Good Friday Service: Join us on Fri. Apr. 19. Time TBA.
Sunrise Service: At New Life at 6am on Easter Sun. Apr. 20. Join us afterward for a potluck breakfast at the home of Ray and Renee Henry.
NO Sunday School for any classes on Easter Sun. Apr. 20.
Easter Worship: We will meet at our regular time of 10am on Easter Sun. Apr. 20.

Free Comedy Show: All adults of any age are cordially invited by the S.I.L.V.E.R.S. to join them for an afternoon of laughter and fellowship. York Theater Arts for Everyone will be presenting Mystery at Senior Manor featuring our very own Mark Deckard on Sat. March 22 here at New Life. Show will begin at 3pm followed by light refreshments in the fellowship hall. Please invite your family, friends and neighbors. Questions see Mel King, Alice Lomax, Dee Flaharty, Shyrl Tompkins, or the office.

Save the Dates!
Vacation Bible School: The mornings of July 28-Aug. 1. More details TBA.
Camping Trip: Our 6th annual church-wide camping trip will be Fri. Sept. 5 through Sun. Sept. 7 at Codorus State Park. 
Men’s Retreat: Held at Camp Hebron Jan. 23-25.

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