Bible Studies

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Anyone interested in discussing the upcoming sermon text is welcome to join us at 9:00 AM on Wednesdays at New Life.

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF):

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is a non-denominational ministry that offers an in-depth, 30-week structured study of the Bible.  New Life hosts a satellite BSF study group sponsored by the BSF base class in Baltimore. Contact the office for more information. 

Wednesday Morning "Moms+" Bible Study

During the school year, moms of children of all ages are welcome to come together for support and to study on Wednesday mornings from 9-11 at church. There are three classes for the children as well. During the summer, we meet from 11-1 at friend’s pool. Please contact Joy Swanson or the office for more details.

Women's Bible Study

Our Women’s Bible Study delves into a new topic each spring and fall. Contact Marlene Spark or the office if you would like to join!

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